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Agenda for the Most Recent Regular Meeting

draft minutes to be approved

March 5, 2025, Wed at 3:15 pm
Via Zoom  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81514995979
         I.            Call to order and introductions (Judy Alexandre)
       II.            Approval of or changes to the agenda for 3/5/25 (Judy Alexandre)
     III.            Approval of or changes to the minutes of 2/5/25 (Judy Alexandre)
    IV.            Financial update (no change)
      V.            Tenant protections: (Kristian Nunez)
a)       Upcoming meetings: Housing & Homeless Committee (3/19, 3pm City Hall community room)
b)      City Council 3/25 5pm, Council chambers
c)       Speak out, write letters, be advocates for our goals: enforcement of existing laws, have legal representation available (city atty designated and or expansion of the contract with Housing Rights), establishing a city rental registry. Questions contact Sonja Flores (sonjaflores805@yahoo.com) or Kristian Nunez (kristian@causenow.org)
d)      Discussion
    VI.            Gap Needs Planning (Judy Alexandre and John Jones)
a)       Storage (John Jones)
b)      RV mobile dump (Kappy Paulsen)
c)       RV permanent parking (Judy Alexandre)
d)      Foul Weather expansion to also include below 45 degrees and ¼ inch of rain and open to a larger group of people. What is needed for a 3 month nightly shelter? How did the 40 beds work out during the last storm? (Leona Rollins and Judy Alexandre)
e)      Laundry Love expansion (John Jones)
f)        Portland Loo update and what is needed to have a second Portland Loo?(Leona Rollins)
g)       Need for bus passes? How, who? (Judy Alexandre)
h)      Housing advocacy (Karen Flock and?) What do we need to do
i)        Planning discussion...2 month plan and 6 month plan of action (John Jones)
   VII.            Impact of HUD cuts and what it might men for Ventura (Jenn Harkey, Leona Rollins)
 VIII.            Vote on use of AI for minutes (John Jones)
     IX.            Election of a secretary: (Judy Alexandre)
       X.            Agency reports:
a)       Mercy House (Anna Varela)
b)      COC, grants meetings, other (Jenn Harkey)
c)       Cause, housing coalition (Kristian Nunez, Maria Navarro)
d)      Housing update, Ventura Springs, farmworker, Valentine Road, College Courts, others (Leona Rollins, Housing Authority, others)
e)      Housing and Homeless Committee (Leona Rolins)
f)        Faith subcommittee (John Jones)
g)       Agency information: we want to hear from you!!!!!!
Motion to adjourn until 3:15pm on 4/2/25 via Zoom at 3:15p (Judy Alexandre)
Meetings: COC Alliance?
Faith subcommittee 3/20/25 (
johnsandersjones@gmail.com)  4pm
Housing and Homeless Committee 3/19/25 3 pm City Hall
City Council 3/25/25 5pm Council chambers
The mission of the Ventura Social Services Task force (VSSTF) is to create and implement an integrated community strategy to end homelessness in the City of Ventura. The goals of the VSSTF include

1. involving a broad cross section of the community, including representatives from elected officials, governmental agencies and departments, law enforcement, businesses, social service agencies, charitable foundations, faith-based organizations, community groups, pubic and private housing developers, homeless individuals and concerned citizens;

2. developing a common understanding of the root causes and circumstances of homelessness, how persons are affected, and the impact of homelessness on the community;

3. identifying current best practices to end homelessness;

4. developing and/or adopting strategic initiatives that identify measurable
objectives, timelines, responsibilities, budgets and sources of resources,
including funds.

Ventura's VSSTF is an inclusive, all-volunteer organization.  Everyone in our community is invited to join us around the table to craft the actions moving us to the day when "Everyone Has a Place".

We meet every 1st Wednesday of the month on Zoom from 3:15-5:15 PM
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